' Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.'
Mary Oliver
Insect rearing. Outreach. Education. Research.
La Chincheria (the bug hut) is a bug-rearing greenhouse in the town of Gamboa, Panama, built to rear Matador bugs (Anisoscelis alipes (Hemiptera: Coreidae)) and other species in the family of leaf-footed bugs such as Diactor bilineatus (Hemiptera: Coreidae) . We grow maracuya, granadilla, and other plant varieties in the passion fruit family to ensure successful bug rearing. It took about 2.5 years and lots of help from interns, students, and collaborators but we have now established successful rearing protocols for many species of leaf-footed bugs particularly in the flag-footed bug group. If you would like to collaborate on a research project with these insects please contact me.
Reach Out: I encourage researchers from all countries and levels- undergraduate, graduate, and post-docs-to come work in the bug hut. If you have experience with any aspect of animal behaviour, physiology or are just interested and fascinated by insects send me an email -
See the latest research from the bug hut!
Video: Why does the matador bug wave its brightly coloured legs?